Imagine America for Counselors

Stop 3: Imagine America for Counselors

More and more, high school counselors are called upon to aid students with one of the most important decisions of their lives. Students are turning to counselors for assistance with questions about college applications, resources for financial aid and college scholarship information. Are you ready?

Imagine America can help. In addition to information about the Imagine America Scholarship programs, we have a variety of resources to assist you. Sign up your school or update your school information so your students will be eligible for our programs. You'll also be able to assist students with their applications or check an application's status.


Deadline for 2021 high school seniors is December, 31, 2021.

2020 high school graduates will have until December, 31, 2020 to apply.

The links below will help you find more information about the Imagine America Scholarship programs, as well as help you enroll your school in our program.

How Imagine America helps counselors with student success

Our primary goal is making sure students have the financial resources they need to acquire career training. But we can only make a difference in students' lives when we simplify the process and do whatever we can to make things easier for counselors and schools as well. After all, we never seem to get less busy, do we?

So here are concrete ways we help students stay on track:

  • Mobile App. This convenient app makes their Imagine America experience simple. They'll receive alerts and updates and can access our site resources with the touch of a finger.
  • Road Map to Student Success. This is a step-by-step guide students can follow. It starts with how to choose a school and includes school survival tips, financial aid direction and even advice for thriving once students have arrived at their career destination. After your students apply, direct them here.
  • Job Board. We have a job board where employers can post listings for students to use as employment leads.
  • Special Award Programs. Our career college scholarship recipients are eligible for our special awards, which result in additional funds toward tuition.

If there are other ways we can help you or your students succeed, please let us know. Take a few moments to review the Imagine America career college scholarship for high school students. You can get started by visiting the links above. Once you enroll your school, be sure to share the news with your students!


Review applications in real time on our mobile app!

The IAF app delivers tools and resources perfect for students of all ages — as well as high school counselors, career college administrators, and college and university administrators. Matching your school with scholarship opportunities, applying to your school and even checking your application status have never been easier.