Stop 1: EDU Options
Whether you're guiding high school students to completion and postsecondary education planning, or advising college students who are in the process of career training, we want to be a partner who supports your mission to help as many students as possible succeed in the workforce.
For years, Imagine America has made it our mission to provide financial scholarships to as many students as possible. We developed our Road Map to Success publications to make it simple for students, parents, counselors and advisers to figure out how they can benefit from Imagine America and how we can start moving forward.
If you're a current partner, check out our students and parents sections to see how we want to help get everyone on the same page. And if you have any questions or suggestions that may help us improve, please let us know.
Imagine America wants to help you guide your students to success ...
Your students want to pursue technical education and, ultimately, a career. Let us help you prepare them for their trade school education. Find out how.
Review applications in real time on our mobile app!
The IAF app delivers tools and resources perfect for students of all ages — as well as high school counselors, career college administrators, and college and university administrators. Matching your school with scholarship opportunities, applying to your school and even checking your application status have never been easier.
Finding your destination is easy as long as you have a reliable GPS. Navigate with IAF across our interactive map with destinations featuring career, school and scholarship options for students.