8 Benefits of Going to a Trade School

The 8 Benefits of Going to a Trade School

After graduating from high school, young adults have so many opportunities to pursue that the choice of what to do next can be overwhelming and daunting. Going to school or taking a gap year may both seem like the obvious choices, but there’s another option: trade school.

Unlike your traditional two- or four-year colleges, trade schools specialize in degrees and certificates that get you out of the classroom and on the job faster. Trade schools give students on-the-job training in a specialty skill. These types of schools allow students to skip the unrelated general education classes and start classes that are specific to the skills they are looking to gain.

Many of the Imagine America Foundation’s students have decided that a trade school is the best fit for them and the life they want to live. Here are 8 reasons why our students are deciding to skip a traditional university and go to a trade school right now.

1. Start When You Want

Trade schools offer multiple start dates throughout the year and also offer rolling admissions. This means you don’t need to wait until either the spring or fall semester to apply for and start your degree program. With classes that are as short as ten weeks long, it’s also easier to jump in and start your degree with little to no wait time.

2. Small Classes and Like-Minded Peers

When attending a trade school, you’ll notice right away that the class sizes are smaller. In a smaller classroom you can get more individualized attention from the instructor so you can better develop your skill set. These classes are also filled with others who are interested in the same career choice as you. This makes it easy for you to form a group of like-minded peers who are interested in the same things as you are. This bond will provide support that makes getting through school and networking to find a job much easier.

3.Career Service Opportunities

Trade schools specialize in specific areas of skill and pride themselves on their ability to place their students in jobs right out of school. Many institutions have counselors whose only job is to find their students employment once they earn their certificate or degree. This shows how dedicated schools are to your success. It also helps them provide targeted hands-on training, internships, and industry-specific training so that you can be successful both in the classroom and on the job.

4. Save Some Cash

Going to a trade school often means you will spend less time in the classroom to earn your degree. With fewer classes to pay for, you can save a lot of money while you are earning a degree and increasing your skill set. Once you graduate and get a job based on your certificate or degree, you’re also likely to make more money than someone who only holds a high school diploma.

5. Stay Current

With a certificate or degree from a trade school, you will have access to today’s most in-demand jobs. Most trade schools offer programs that are current with industry trends and the technology and skills they teach in class. This means that you’ll get an up-to-date degree that prepares you to be ready on day one of your new job. Having a relevant skill set will make your more marketable and desirable to employers and the clients you will one day work with.

6. Hands-on Training

Trade schools work hard to provide their students with hands-on, real-life experience. Because of this, they make sure their programs are current with the new and upcoming trends in the field they teach—and that they’re providing relevant hands-on training. This training allows students to better master what they are learning and get experience they can use on the job after graduation. It also helps them get the skills and techniques needed from experience professionals already working in the field.

7. Job Placement

Most trade schools will advertise their job placement rate post graduating. They do this because the numbers show that they are successful in preparing students to earn jobs. Unlike a typical two- or four-year program, trade schools want you to earn a job and help you get there. When you are looking for a trade school, make sure you ask them what their job placement rate is; this will show you their commitment to you and your success!

8. Get Your Degree Faster

The time it will take you to earn a career certificate or degree could be two years or less if you follow the time track the college recommends. This is much less time compared to a traditional two- or four-year university. Some programs offered by trade schools may even take only a few months! When you are looking to get the job of your dreams faster, it doesn’t get better than this.

Before making the decision of what to do after high school or during the next chapter of your life, be sure you consider all your options. A certificate from a trade school could be the perfect fit for you and your family. The decision can be tough, but trade schools are there to answer your questions and get your started on your next career path in life. Be sure to take a look at a trade school near you!

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