5 Ways to Maximize Hands On Learning

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One of the things we love about career college training is the hands-on approach schools take to learning. Giving students the opportunity to practice clinical skills in medical assisting or dental hygienist training provides valuable experience. When employers know students have already gone through the motions, they can feel more confident about students’ on-the-job performance. After all, can you imagine having to train an auto mechanic or welder after you hire them?

If you aren’t an Imagine America scholarship recipient yet, go ahead and download our handy mobile app. It’s the simplest way to access your complete Imagine America experience. After all, it could be worth $1,000 toward your tuition at a participating career college in your area.

Here are five ways you can maximize the hands-on aspects of your job training:

  1. Show up to class. Hey, this seems like a no-brainer, right? Sometimes students think they already know the skill or topic being covered in class that day. So they decide they can afford to miss a class here or there. That’s not the way the best students prepare for careers. Make sure you treat every class seriously. It’s in the syllabus for a reason. And you never know what you’ll wind up learning.
  1. Ask lots of questions. Look, you could be dealing with patient care if you’re a medical assistant, or dangerous equipment if you’re a welding student, for example. Make sure you ask plenty of questions when instructors are showing you how to work equipment or other skills you’ll need on the job. Instructors want to share their knowledge and experience with you, so they’ll always welcome your questions.
  1. Practice at home. Many schools offer students ways to get supplies that make it easier to train at home. For instance, cosmetology students have wigs and manikins they can work with to practice hair and makeup techniques.
  1. Do research at home. Remember to watch others when you can. For example, there are plenty of YouTube videos with mechanics or students who are in every kind of field you can think of. Take a break from working with your hands to see how other people work in your profession.
  1. Spend extra time in the lab when you can. No matter what kind of program you choose, look for ways to spend extra time talking to instructors and practicing your skills as much as possible.

Thanks for taking a moment to learn how you can maximize your education in hands-on career college programs. If you haven’t applied for an Imagine America scholarship yet, take a moment to download our mobile app right now.

If you’re currently looking for the right career college program, check out the offerings at our partner schools. You can choose from areas such as health care, mechanics, dental, information technology, business, graphic design, culinary — and more!

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