5 Study Habits

Let’s look at some study habits every career college and trade school student should adopt to ensure success in school. If you’re an Imagine America scholarship recipient, thank you for including us on your journey toward job training. If you’re looking for career college scholarships, then check out our programs that could be worth up to $1,000 toward your tuition at participating schools.

No matter what kind of job training or education program you’re enrolled in, here are some great study habits to learn and practice:

  1. Switch it up. According to an article in The New York Times, students should switch up their study locations whenever they can. Apparently, memory is “colored” by location, which makes it easier to remember things when you move locations more often. We think this is a great excuse to get out of the house, visit your favorite coffee shop, or study at a park, if it’s nice outside. The point is to keep your study time from becoming mundane and boring.
  2. Get some sleep. We know many students like to brag that they’re running on two hours of sleep and 20 cups of coffee. But being in that state of mind isn’t the healthiest recipe for education success. After all, would you want the mechanic fixing your car or the welder piecing together your aircraft to practice the same lifestyle before a shift? Your work may be just as stressful and require just as much focus as the test you study for. Getting good rest helps your mind and body prepare for the next day.
  3. Study groups. If you have ways to communicate with other students, or get together and study, then do it. Talking about things out loud, expressing your frustrations in private, and getting help directly from your peers can be great assets to your education and help you keep a healthy outlook about school and your studies.
  4. Create a schedule. Write down your schedule on a monthly calendar and print it out. Make sure your classes, work schedule and other tasks are on there as well. You should figure out a system, no matter how it looks or works — as long as it works for you! Also, communicate your calendar with your family and others that it affects. This way, the people in your life can support you as you balance your work/life/school career training, and everybody is on the same page when it comes to your schedule and priorities.
  5. Use Imagine America’s resources! The fact that you’re reading this article shows us you’re interested in succeeding in your job training. We urge you to download our mobile app to have all our resources at the touch of a button. You should also check out our Road Map to Student Success and subscribe to our career-focused articles. We have all sorts of new ways we’re helping students succeed in 2017, and we hope we can help you as well!