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Struggling with enrolling high school students? Maybe you haven’t made the right connections with your community.
What if I told you that our clients are making connections with their community and enrolling more high school students as a result of the Imagine America program than ever before.
Not only do we debunk the myth that high school seniors are not worth pursuing, but we also allow access to high schools that are more receptive to for-profit career colleges.
Times are changing - students are more interested in career training than ever before.
Let us promote your school to an actively engaged audience of high schools who WANT to hear from you.
It can be hard to get your institution the same level of attention as
Imagine America works with career colleges to help them establish a 5-step plan to high school marketing. In establishing our 5-step plan we will discuss:
1. Research
2. Partnerships
3. Maintaining Relationships
4. Differentiating Your School
5. Sponsoring Events
Upon completion of establishing this 5-step plan, our clients have not only seen increased high school student enrollment, but also increased traffic and exposure of their brand.
© Imagine America Foundation